Laura Dekker | One Girl, One Dream

Laura Dekker is a Dutch sailor who became the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe single-handed. She successfully completing her solo mission at the age of 16. Now, four years later, she is traveling from Europe and making a short stop in Portland on her way home to New Zealand — thanks to her friendship with PYC Commodore, John Colby, who met her during his own global circumnavigation.

So, join us at Portland Yacht Club for a taco dinner buffet and listen to Laura’s amazing story! This event is one you surely won’t want to miss; so make your reservations early, as seating is limited. All welcome to attend this one-time-only Portland presentation!

When: Thursday October 6, 2016 from 5:00pm-9:00pm
Bar Opens @ 5:00pm | Dinner @ 6:30pm | Presentation @ 7:30pm
Where: Portland Yacht Club (1241 NE Marine Drive Portland, OR 97211)
Price: $15 per person, including dinner
For reservations/q
uestions, email
Reservations must be made no later than 5:00pm, Tuesday, Oct 4th.

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