Today, Wednesday May 18 & Friday May 20: Just received.
River Closures This Week: Airplane Crash Simulation & Hydroplane Showcase
On Wednesday, May 18th, the emergency response teams from Multnomah and Clark County stage a simulated plane crash for training. It’s the Water Zone between the Tip of Lemon Island (West End of Government Island) and Marine Drive.
On Friday, May 20 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, the Coast Guard Captain of the Port Columbia River will establish a temporary safety zone east of the Interstate 5 bridge, to ensure the safety of life and property during a boat exhibition event on the Columbia River.
The perimeter of the safety zone will extend between Hayden Island and the Vancouver, Washington, side of the Columbia River starting at approximately 700 yards east of the I-5 bridge and extending to the east end of Hayden Island.
As per 33 CFR 165.T13-0140, all vessels are prohibited from entering, anchoring or loitering within the safety zone during the specified time. If requesting permission to enter the zone, hail the Captain of the Port’s representative on VHF-FM radio channel 22A or 16. Those in the safety zone must comply with all lawful orders or directions given by the COTP or the COTP’s designated representative.
Click here for more information, or contact Coast Guard Public Affairs by calling 206-251-3237 or email at