Are you interested in learning more about how protest committees work? Or, becoming a US Sailing Judge?
Judges are responsible for conducting protest and redress hearings when competitors believe there has been a rules breach. Judges also conduct arbitration hearings, enforce Rule 42 (Propulsion) on the water at fleet racing events and consult with organizers and race officers ahead of events to review race documents and procedures. They also improve the quality, consistency, and fairness of racing through proper administration of the Racing Rules of Sailing.
If this sounds of interest to you, this 2-day seminar covers many aspects of judging: rules and requirements for handling protests and requests for redress, techniques involved in running good hearings, writing up protest committee decisions among other aspects. Cost is $89 and includes breakfast, lunch, beverages, snacks, handout materials and test processing. No prerequisites are required.
Register by Monday October 31.
For more information, check out the event flyer or contact Wayne Balsiger: or 206.370.1601.
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