Giving Back

Dear OCSA Members & Friends;

Like us, you all enjoy the sailboat racing on the Columbia River.  The educational opportunities and seminars are a benefit to many, as well.  

But, the activities — both racing and social, and all of the “behind the scenes” support for these events — don’t happen without the efforts of a few dedicated individuals.

The OCSA Board is turning over several positions at this year’s Tropical Awards Party. Jeanine Hohn will be taking over as Commodore, as I transition to the Rear Commodore position.  But many opportunities remain for YOU to volunteer and assist with the ongoing activities and growth of sailing in Portland.

Without dedicated volunteers who are willing to give just a few hours of their time for the benefit of the sailing community, much of what we all enjoy and sometimes take for granted simply would not occur.  It is with that spirit that we ask YOU to step back and think about what YOU can do to support, grow or improve that which we all enjoy so much.  Without new leadership and fresh ideas, we can not continue to move forward and improve the racing and educational activities for the sailing community in Portland.  Please contact myself or Jeanine Hohn ( with any questions about supporting your local sailing community.  

Hope to see everyone at this year’s OCSA Tropical Awards Party on November 10th.

Kimberly Rimkus
2012 Commodore, OCSA


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