Late-May News-Blast

We are on the final leg of May! After two and a half months of COVID-19 restrictions the counties in the region (in both WA and OR) are working towards a “phase 1″ re-opening, and the sailing community is doing likewise. We still are on a Stay Home order in Multnomah County (with social distancing required when you aren’t home), but sailing with only your home isolation group conveniently adheres to this. So! I have a few updates that everyone should be aware of being referred to as our “soft opening” for racing.

Latest Information:

  • CYC hosted a successful “zoomapalooza” meeting on Thursday last week discussing the upcoming Sailing on Sunday series and PNW Offshore. There was a lot of support expressed by sailors and businesses alike to ensure the success of both. Nothing was decided besides a commitment to host more CYC zoomapaloozas in the Fall to coordinate both events.
  • ISC remains open to old and new members. ISC is following health guidelines… i.e. Only single handlers or family groups and all equipment is being disinfected as well as extra supplies are provided for every guest to clean to their comfort level. 
    All races are still on hold.
  • Most of OWSA‘s June events have been postponed until July. Please check the OWSA Website for updates.
  • PYC reported no changes yet.
  • All RCYC racing will proceed as scheduled but informal.
    Start may be by radio or flag at discretion of committee. No trophies, no entry fee, though regatta network may add a nominal charge for boat registration. See the OCSA Notice Board for further information.
    The RCYC Medium Distance Race on June 20 has been set up as an event on the Summer Sailstice website. Entrants can register on the Summer Sailstice website and qualify for prizes. There is no cost to register
    (Last year, Portland sailors won a weekend ASA course at San Juan Sailing in Bellingham, and a winch handle!)
  • Starting this upcoming week on June 2, the SYSCO Tuesday and Thursday Evening Summer Series begins as a re-imagined no-trophy series. It is up to individual skippers to determine if they can safely race while maintaining separation and other best practices under current state and federal guidelines. This is consistent with the Racing Rules of Sailing “4: DECISION TO RACE – The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone.” The current guidelines can be found here.
    Stay home if you are sick or have been exposed to someone suspected to be infected with COVID 19.
    SYSCO Race Captain, Gregg, will be in touch coordinating the volunteer RCs for each race evening. See the OCSA Notice Board for further details of the modified Sailing Instructions SYSCO has made to allow for this race series to take place.
  • WSC is resuming on water activities Mondays and Wednesdays starting June 1. The club is still sticking to the normal protocol of limited facility access the rest of the time, and the bathrooms and classroom will be open in the clubhouse on Wednesdays and Mondays only. The release from the Fleet Captain can be found HERE.
  • OCSA Education Committee
    The Andrew Kerr event scheduled for June 28 has been cancelled. However, there is potential for a reschedule later this year TBD. Stay tuned.
  • OCSA Rules Clinic
    No new rules seminars are planned at this time.  OWSA is considering a second virtual clinic with Craig Daniels, but nothing is scheduled yet.  Craig Daniels also worked on some SI amendments for SYSCO.

Our next OCSA Board Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 3 at 7pm.

Please stay well and keep your eye on the winds, everyone! They’re changing!!

Jacqueline Pitter
OCSA Commodore 2020
Skipper/co-owner s/v Thunder Pig (Ranger 20 #117)
Co-owner s/v Rocinante (Martin241 #791)

OCSA membership:
For e-membership, click here.
For membership with printed 2020 OCSA Racebook, or to purchase laminated OCSA Course Charts ($2 each):

North Sails
7304 NE Martin Luther King Blvd Portland, OR
(503) 282-4282
West Marine
1176 N Hayden Island Dr Portland, OR
(503) 289-9822

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