The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Marine Patrol is constantly fighting for its share of the county funding budget. If our local sailors could join the email campaign CRYA is organizing, we may be able to display enough interest and concern as a group to secure appropriate funding for the Marine Patrol for the near future, which would mean safer rivers for all.
This is important, so it would be amazing if everyone could take the time to send emails, as well as forward this email on to your crew, or anyone else who has an interest in this cause!
Provided is a sample letter, showing an example of the content everyone should send to the Multnomah County Commissioners and the Sheriff promoting funding of the MCSO Marine Patrol. Please leverage it to write an email in your own words to both the Commissioners and the Sheriff. Following the sample letter are the names, phone numbers and email addresses of the county commissioners and the sheriff.
Commissioner ________________
My name is and I am a the owner/skipper/crew of , a sailboat that is located on the Columbia River, as well as a member of the Oregon Corinthian Sailing Association. I am contacting you concerning the funding of the Multnomah County Sheriff Marine Patrol. This unit is very important to all boaters on the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. Safety is paramount in recreational boating and the Marine Patrol is the main force that keeps the rivers safe and is a critical part in educating all boaters on safe boating. There are times when law enforcement is needed on the rivers and the Marine Patrol is the only unit out there to handle these situations. There are also times when boaters need a helping hand and the river patrol comes to their aid. The Multnomah County Marine Patrol is responsible for covering over 100 nautical miles of rivers, therefore, I strongly urge you to fully fund this very important arm of the Multnomah County Sheriffs Office.
Your Name
Deborah Kafoury, County Chair
Phone: 503-988-3308
Sharon Meieran, District 1
Phone: 503-988-5220
Susheela Jayapal, District 2
Phone: 503-988-5219
Jessica Vega Pederson, District 3
Phone: 503- 988-5217
Lori Stegmann, District 4
Phone: 503-988-5213
Michael Reese, Sheriff
Phone: 503 988- 4404
Thank you for your time and effort on this! Small efforts from many people can have great effects!
Jacqueline Pitter
OCSA Commodore 2020
Skipper/co-owner s/v Thunder Pig (Ranger20 #117)
Co-owner s/v Rocinante (Martin241 #791)