Rules Series Webinar Coming Soon

I just got this flyer from Dave Dellenbaugh about an online rules Zoom series he’s doing. Dave is an expert racer, tactician, rules person, etc. I have not taken this course, but if it’s at all like his other ones, it’ll be great. It’s $55 – money well spent in my opinion. If you need a rules tune-up or are new to racing, give it consideration. Neither I, nor CYC, gets anything out of this plug except that anyone taking the course raises the bar for the rest of us Sailing on Sundays and every other race here on the Columbia.

See you on the river,
Denny Damore
CYC Sailing on Sundays Race Captain

A New 4-Part Webinar Series

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Hi! Please join me for an exciting and educational new webinar series about all the racing rules that apply near marks. It will be a great review of the past season and a valuable prep for next year.

We’ll go around the course from start to finish and take an in-depth look at dozens of mark-rounding scenarios. I’ll explain your rights and obligations in each case, and discuss how to use your rules knowledge to improve tactics. Participant questions are welcome!

This series begins Monday, November 21 at 8:00 pm US Eastern time (GMT -5) and continues on the following three Mondays. Each webinar session runs about 90 minutes and includes video, diagrams, animations, and quizzes.

The cost for the series is $55 (same price as the past three years), which includes: 1) the four live sessions; 2) unlimited access to REPLAYS of all four sessions (in case you miss any or would like to review them at any time in the future); and 3) a link to a Google doc that will have all written webinar questions and answers. To register, please use the red link below.

Thanks, hope to ‘see’ you there! – Dave Dellenbaugh

Register for the Series

1 – Rules at the START & FINISH
Monday, November 21 – 8:00 pm US Eastern (GMT -5)
An in-depth look at the many rule situations you are likely to encounter around the start and finish lines.

Monday, November 28 – 8:00 pm
A detailed discussion of rules that apply when boats are approaching and rounding the windward mark.

3 – Rules at LEEWARD MARKS
Monday, December 5 – 8:00 pm
A deep-dive analysis of rule situations you frequently find near the leeward mark (and gate marks).

Monday, December 12 – 8:00 pm
This session will be spent answering your questions and examining any scenarios that have not yet been covered.

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