SYSCO will be hosting a virtual Race Clinic next Thursday (May 21) at 7 pm:
The purpose of the Clinic will be to learn and review how to race on the Columbia River. We will review how to register for races, types of race courses, starting sequences, and local rules that govern a race. SYSCO Race Clinic is geared toward sailors who are new to racing or new to racing on the Columbia River. Because of the special circumstances this year with COVID-19, we will also discuss changes that are necessary to run safe and fun races. Gregg Bryden, SYSCO Race Captain, will discuss these changes during the first 20 minutes of the clinic. Bruce Newton will present the remainder of the clinic. The session will be a video conference on ZOOM. All sailing community members, including crew, are invited and encouraged to attend. Please contact Gregg Bryden to obtain the link to join the ZOOM conference. (Note there is an underscore between race and captain in the e-address.).
SYSCO Summer Series beings Tuesdays & Thursdays (June 2 & 4) at 6:30pm:
SYSCO is currently planning to have a series of “fun” races at the regular Tuesday-Thursday schedule for the Summer Series. You will need to register in SailPDX. Be sure to check the Notice Board for this event as we get closer to the date.