US Sailing Judges Seminar

US Sailing Judges Seminar Nov 2-3 at CYC (Seattle) Clubhouse

Are you interested in learning more about how protest committees work?  Are you interested in becoming a US Sailing Judge?

Reminder that the deadline for registering is coming soon on October 24.  Also need to get some materials for class.

Please sign up soon.  Sign up at

CYC Seattle is hosting a two-day seminar taught by Pat Healy and Charlie Macaulay.  No prerequisite class or protest committee experience needed.  It covers topics involved in successful judging: rules and requirements for handling protest and requests for redress, techniques for running good hearings, writing up decisions, mock protest hearings and a test on rules.  This can lead to becoming a judge but all are welcome.  See CYC Seattle website for more information and Flyer:

Questions: contact Wayne Balsiger at or sign up at and select the Seattle seminar.  Cost is $95 and that includes both days continental breakfast, lunches, beverages and snacks.

Wayne Balsiger
Regional Administrative Judge, Area L

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