Fall is here, but no worries – there are still racing opportunities!
PYC Robert A Smith Regatta
October 7-8
Last regatta of the season!!! How can you resist? Visit the SailPDX Notice Board to register – the earlier the better! We’ve had some great sailing weather, and hopefully it will stay around a little longer!!! The bar at PYC (Portland Yacht Club) will be open both days post-race for those who want to get together, have a drink or two, and brag (or lie) about the day’s racing. An all-you-can-eat dinner will be served Sunday for $8.00 per person. The food, drink and party at PYC are always great, so we hope to see you there! This race is the 9th (and last) qualifier for the OCSA Participation and Performance Trophy.
CYC Annual Board Meeting
October 9, 1830, Kell’s Irish Pub – upstairs
CYC (Corinthian Yacht Club) Portland Board of Trustees is gearing up for 2018 and electing new members to the Board. Please join us Monday, October 9th 1830 hours at Kell’s Irish Pub downtown Portland for a meeting in the upstairs dining hall. Limited appetizers will be hosted by the club; dinner and drinks are available for purchase.
- Four Trustee positions (two year commitment)
- Vice Commodore/Race Captain (three year commitment)
Know someone with time to volunteer? CYC is especially seeking individuals with project management skills and those who are tech savvy. Please come ready to participate and ready to nominate!
CYC Sail on Sunday (SOS) series
Starts October 15
One of Portland’s longtime favorite off-season races is just around the corner! Participation in the SOS series is free; however, all participating boats must register via the SailPDX Notice Board. Get scored automatically with a bullet by volunteering your boat for Race Committee! Sign up your boat and help perpetuate this super fun series! This is a great way to learn, while keeping the rust at bay.
OCSA Tropical Awards Banquet
November 4
6 pm cocktails, 7 pm dinner … dress tropical! We’ll turn up the heat! Last year this popular event sold out, so we brainstormed and were able to add about 20 more seats this year. Don’t miss this event, make your reservations now! While you’re on that page, check out past OCSA Award recipients, nominate potential 2017 winners and let your voice be heard! Voting is open now!!
Judges Seminar, hosted by CYC Seattle
November 4-5
Are you interested in learning more about how protest committees work? Or, becoming a US Sailing Judge?
Judges are responsible for conducting protest and redress hearings when competitors believe there has been a rules breach. Judges also conduct arbitration hearings, enforce Rule 42 (Propulsion) on the water at fleet racing events and consult with organizers and race officers ahead of events to review race documents and procedures. They also improve the quality, consistency, and fairness of racing through proper administration of the Racing Rules of Sailing.
If this sounds of interest to you, this 2-day seminar covers many aspects of judging: rules and requirements for handling protests and requests for redress, techniques involved in running good hearings, writing up protest committee decisions among other aspects. Cost is $89 and includes breakfast, lunch, beverages, snacks, handout materials and test processing. No prerequisites are required.
Register by Monday October 31. For more information, take a look at the event flyer or contact Wayne Balsiger at webalsiger@comcast.net or 206.370.1601.
Learn more at: http://www.ussailing.org/race-officials/judges/judges-program/
Register today: http://www.ussailing.org/race-officials/find-a-seminar/judge-seminar-calendar/
As always, further details are found on SailPDX or in your printed 2017 OCSA Racebook.
Cheers, and take advantage of the great sailing weather while it’s still here!
Nicole Sirois
2017 OCSA Commodore
OCSA Membership:
- For e-membership, go to SailPDX
- For membership with books, or to purchase 2017 OCSA Course Charts ($2 each):North Sails
7304 Northeast Martin Luther King Blvd Portland, OR
(503) 282-4282West Marine
1176 North Hayden Island Drive Portland, OR
(503) 289-9822