Winter Sailing on Sunday Racers and Crew
A couple of notes, updates, and errors:
- We ARE RACING on November 24 and NOT RACING on December 1. In other words, we race the weekend before Thanksgiving and DO NOT RACE Thanksgiving weekend. The information in the “Details” section of SailPDX is WRONG. Mea Culpa. Pass it on.
- There is some confusion as to what wing dam we are using to the west of Buoy 14 (east of Tomahawk/Hayden Island) as our mark. The confusion arises out of the fact that the OCSA marks chart shows a “T” down by the entrance to the Tomahawk Bay moorage and there is a small wing dam down there. So, to be consistent with the chart and to remove any confusion by the use of the names Tomahawk, Tomahawk Island, or Hayden Island wing dam, race committees should use the term “B Wing dam,” which is the wing dam at the east end of the island as shown on the chart. They may chose to use the phrase, “B-Bravo Wing dam” so that any radio issues are reduced or obviated.
My apologies for the confusion. That’s it for now.
See you on the river,
2024 OCSA Commodore